Friday, September 25, 2009

On Cheerleaders and Their Discontents

Two weeks ago I went to the gym for the first time in over a month and I was rewarded with cheerleaders. Jets cheerleaders. Professional Jets cheerleaders. They didn't stand at my machine and erupt into verse, nor did they follow me around clapping in unison, but they were there. Omnipresent. Around every bend, catching streams of water in their mouths at the water fountains, prancing through the locker room like it was the tree fort of fantasies...

So I went back. I went back to the gym 1 week later on the same day (Wednesday) at the same time (wouldn't YOU like to know?) and lo and behold, there they were again. I got there earlier this time and was rewarded by the sight of them 'warming up' on the machines with complete pre-session enthusiasm. I wasn't the only one catching on to their schedule - most of the male trainers at the gym had also blocked off Wednesday night to get their own personal workouts in... Have you ever seen/heard a pull-up competition between 7 guys wearing weight belts and tankinis? Did I mention the pull-up cage is adjacent to studio 2/mecca 'o cheerleaders?

Needless to say, by this third week I was planning my schedule around a Wednesday at the gym. I blocked it off in my calendar, I scheduled a late dinner, I even asked my fellow NYSC-ers if they'd care to join me for a workout.

And they weren't there. The cheerleaders. Absent.

Mildly disappointed at the time, it has since blossomed into an irritation with the entire Jets franchise. But why? Because they robbed me of motivation? What was it that I was so motivated about anyway? Am I really looking to date (sleep with?) a cheerleader? Really? And if I am, did I really think this subset of women would follow the genetically accepted incidence of homosexuality and that at least ONE of the 15 of them would be gay? And did I really think that the one professional gay cheerleader would also be single? (After all, when you have the fortitude to wear a mini skirt in a blizzard while drumming up deafening support from a cold wet (drunk) crowd, you most certainly know how to snag a girlfriend...) All that said, I started to lose track of why I was drawn to a gym full of cheerleaders in the first place. At the end of the day, I'm NOT attracted to these women. I'm not attracted to the bubbles of misogyny replete with matching pom poms. I'm not looking for a magazine centerfold if she aspires to be a magazine centerfold. (I mean... Don't get me wrong... I AM looking for the girl that has everything else and just so happens to have been genetically CURSED with magazine centerfold aesthetics...)

But STILL, I will go back next Wednesday. And if they're not there, I'll go back for another 5 (hundred) Wednesdays. Because what I realized is that it really isn't about the 15 cheerleaders - or the seemingly favorable incidence of homosexuality in the population. It's not about seeing them prance about the locker room (because, trust me, that's more awkward than sexy anyway as I scramble to not look at them). It's not about feeling out-stepped, under-dressed or hypothyroidic every Wednesday.

It's about hope, like following the wake of the titanic through the river Styx. I'm attracted to the idea of proximity to a national monument. I'm attracted to the dichotomy of a dirty gym and the glitz of veneers. I'm attracted to the REASON to workout in the first place. And, honestly, I'm attracted to being in the same room as the entire Jets' cheerleading squad -- for novelty -- because how often does that happen!!??

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