Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Conversation with Self.

Have you ever thought about how far words have come before they press up against the inside of your lips?

Miles. I'm guessing miles. From the kernel of neuronal excitement through spirals of connection and ordering - like a massive train yard building just the right circus line. And then they leave you and float through the air and come back at you a different way - reflected, countered - to spiral through your auditory synapses for parsing and matching and meaning to excite another set of words, from disparate places, calling cars from different corners of the yard. And then they index themselves, register to vote, and become yet another grain of sand on your scale. A communication abstraction of balance. A conversation - easy out, easy in - miles and miles between.

It's amazing - the transition from warmth to touch to sound to feel to sight to words words words... The endless trek towards words and yet nothing is louder than tense, terse silence. As Alanis would say - that's pretty darn ironic.

Welcome back, mindless chatter. Welcome back.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Like. Like. Like.