Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Seething Syntax

A response to the overly composed culture of corporate America and strategy consulting:

Language should accessible, words should be informative (and on the occasion, audibly descriptive), sentences shouldn't have to be complete and sometimes, yes, verbs are for pansies.
Come to think of it, all my favorite words are multi-taskers. They beg for hyphens, they crave modification, they toss nouns around the room in a fit of ani-verb-osity. In fact, all my favorite words are short. Oft they sport a lone set of sound, beg through teeth, and leave apt ort as they birl a tongue in the mouth of a fraud. Or was that just my short-on-time, dense-in-density attempt to construct a single-syllabic sentence? The word of the day (AWAD) has never been so timely in their thematic selections...

Without further ado, I impore you to think about the words that you love - the words that you love to use... They aren't fancy. They aren't ethereal. They aren't 'birl' and 'ort' - they're definite. They define 'things' in a very real, very concrete way. Because, and here's the pithy bit at the end of the drivel - we all just want to be understood. Things are things. And nothing more. So eff those effers who effed up the effing corporate lexicon for the rest of us. Take your ort and birl it. We can all shift-F7. Some of us just chose to do so ironically. While blogging.

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